19-25 july ◆ (in)visible
The spectrum of visible/invisible is a central theme for this week. We spend more time tailoring where our attention is being given and what parts of ourselves and our desires are displayed or kept under wraps. There are opportunities to express ourselves in new ways this week or to show what we feel is authentic. Some of the parts of ourselves that have made us feel othered or exiled could also be on display. We can’t say for sure if this will be our own doing or if it will be a challenging experience, but it could lead to some more profound acceptance of the pieces we hide away or have shame around.
After showing and telling our desires last week and for the previous month, they are being integrated into our identities now. It might have been a long process for some of us, though there is a new comfort in our own skin. After this moment of acceptance, we are now invited to distill and perfect this aspect. What is now out in the light of the day, we can perceive clearly and with a fresh perspective. After the glorious flash of emergence, we can now inspect it—and we can see the flaws. This is not to discourage anyone, but to remind everyone that we all have flaws and foibles, which make us human, and that working on them is at our own pace and in our own way. Try not to get caught in the trap of perfecting things now.
We begin the week with a flash of insight that supports creative problem-solving. We may have been having difficulty with expressing ourselves recently, but this intuitive understanding will help. New ideas of how to take action will arise, but they may be indirect or emotional rather than logical. It could be a good time to try a new way of soothing ourselves or others or listening to our own feelings for enlightenment when we cannot think our way through.
The middle of the week trades a relief of frustration for hard work. Last week we were confident enough to step into the spotlight in some part of our lives and saw some part of ourselves radiate, but now we are starting a period of refinement that will require us to be very specific with our desires. We might get lost during this time by becoming mired in the plans and perfection that could be. If we can strike a balance between toiling and indulging, we can be productive and also find some joy and/or pleasure. There might be a big temptation now to go big in some way, but it is unlikely the best path forward. It is not wrong to be optimistic now, but we cannot count on it to be very stable, so be sure that your dream has a plan. We might be more risk-averse for the next month, as things feel less confident or buoyant. We might feel like we are more capable, but less is provided for us.
To wrap up the week, we are shown some possible approaches to do it our own way. There is an independent streak that invites us to go outside the boundaries and try it without help. This can bring us attention and accolades or push us to the fringes and make us feel isolated. The challenges of last weekend return in the form of a persuasive argument or an obsessive deep dive into uncovering the truth. There may be some insights that surface, but we could also feel taken advantage of by someone charismatic.
Technical Details (EDT):
Monday 7/19
☽ → ♐︎ 5:07 PM
Tuesday 7/20
☿ 14°♋︎ ✳︎ ♅ 14°♉︎ 5:37 AM
Wednesday 7/21
☽ → ♑︎ 6:36 PM
♀︎ → ♍︎ 8:36 PM
Thursday 7/22
♀︎ 00°♍︎ ☍ ♃ 00°♓︎ 8:44 AM
☉ → ♌︎ 10:26 AM
Friday 7/23
☽ → ♒︎ 8:12 PM
Full ☽ 01°♒︎ 10:36 PM
Saturday 7/24
☿ 22°♋︎ △ ♆ 22°♓︎ 12:35 PM
Sunday 7/25
☿ 25°♋︎ ☍ ♇ 25°♑︎ 4:14 PM
☽ → ♓︎ 11:29 PM