7-13 june ◆ be here now
The dam broke and/or the river flooded last week for many of us. Giving space to mourn, grieve, or say goodbye to what has flowed away with the current is a valuable task for this time. Some of us might feel like the reorganization and restructuring are happening too quickly and that we cannot keep up with the pace. Remembering that time moves forward, with or without us, may sound like harsh advice, but hopefully, it gives us permission and a container to work out what is going on in our own time. Time is both a linear experience and a cyclical encounter that allows us to visit the past and inhabit the future. Many of us get stuck in either of those places, and more of us cultivate practices designed to triangulate us in the present. This week is more taxing and offers fewer breezes to carry us forward. We will all likely be tempted to retreat to the past or focus on the future, but part of the work of the moment is to stay present with ourselves.
The week starts quietly but lays the groundwork for the prickly time coming. Last week ushered in a change that may have been sudden, or felt like things were happening too fast to keep up. There are still some feelings or frustrations to work out that have been hanging around just out of sight. We are asked to start considering what has left or altered so dramatically that we no longer recognize it. What are the connections that are affected, and how far does this change reach? The ripple of these shifts is starting to multiply, so pay attention now as a situation could emerge quickly if we aren’t paying attention.
By the middle of the week, we are ready (or not!) to integrate this information into the plan for moving forward. Try to stay flexible as those plans will most likely change. It is worth trying to make plans and not avoiding them altogether, but know that we don’t know everything yet. Our hand might be forced in some matters, where we are required to make a decision. This is not necessarily challenging or negative, but we may be feeling unprepared to act at this moment. Leaving ourselves some room for ‘both, and’ is vital now.
As we move into the weekend, we are torn between pushing forward and playing it safe. We may also feel like we are starting and stopping and generating friction. This is unfolding over the next six weeks, giving us some time to notice what the circumstances are around this frustrating juncture. Patience is in short supply, but slowing down is a requirement for operating as we progress. Being willful at this time will be met with opposition. Sunday is an opportunity to see the bigger picture and understand that it is not personal.
Technical Details (EDT):
Tuesday 6/8
☽ → ♊︎ 2:47 PM
Thursday 6/10
New ☽ 19°♊︎ 6:52 AM
Solar Eclipse 19°♊︎ 6:52 AM
☉ 20°♊︎ ☌ ☿ 20°♊︎ 9:12 PM
Friday 6/11
☽ → ♋︎ 3:22 AM
♂︎ → ♌︎ 9:33 AM
Sunday 6/13
♀︎ 13°♋︎ ✳︎ ♅ 13°♉︎ 1:38 AM
☽ → ♌︎ 2:22 PM
☉ 23°♊︎ ▢ ♆ 23°♓︎ 7:39 PM