1-7 february ◆ partnering with the weird
This week ask us what we value and what we offer to the company we keep. We often give others what we have received ourselves or what we wish to receive, but what we are offering might not be what they need or are even asking for. How we occupy our time and space are the manifestations of our values. Take a broad, experimental approach to find value in places, things, or people we once discarded or devalued in the past. Now is a useful time to search for hidden treasures by expanding our view. Keep your eyes open for unusual or surprising partnerships. This is not a license to enter with blind faith but an invitation to investigate when we would usually deny someone or something outright. How uncomfortable are you willing to be in exchange for freedom or independence?
There is an area of life that has been quite active since the very end of last year and shows no signs of slowing down--this only amplifies throughout the month. We are still in a review period for the next three weeks, so give some time to recognizing what is being reworked and where you can try to assert your will over the process. Try not to be unnerved with how many plans you generate and how few threads weave together. Focus on the ones that connect.
The beginning of the week has a restless quality that pushes and pulls at the border between the established and the unorthodox. We may feel more assertive or even aggressive, so try to let frustrations and agitations go and limit the temptation to be arrogant. Look for ways to use this extra energy for a common good, not to make yourself more comfortable. It could be a suitable time to express the “weirder”(good!) or “outsider” parts of ourselves that we undervalue.
The middle of the week brings a low-lying intensity or penetrating uneasiness around what we have been uncovering for the last month. Take a moment to be alone and sit with any tensions instead of looking away. Trying to avoid or bypass may only lead to more troubles at this time. It is ok to retreat if you aren’t able to hold your ground, but if we can dig a little deeper, it might be fertile. Obsessing and hounding are more likely, so beware of burnout or getting more than you bargained for. Set aside some time away from phone/computer/media if you can since we are on high alert for doomscrolling.
The collective feeling will lighten up but expect a more subdued or dutiful entry to the weekend. The determinations around value that we have been exploring all week are the main focus. What partnerships are solidifying now? What parts of yourself do you “other” or call “different”? Try partnering with the excluded to integrate them into the whole. We have the opportunity to concretize new desires and values followed almost immediately by the demand to disorganize them. The more rigid or inflexible something is, the more likely it is to break. This could show up as a new sense of grounding or security that opens us to unexplored or unfamiliar spheres, or accountability to a commitment could send us into a disruptive fever. There is some necessity to tend to now, but trying to take the struggle out of it or doing it differently than usual will go a long way.
Technical Details (EST):
Monday 2/1
☉ 12°♒︎ ▢ ♂︎ 12°♉︎ 5:33 AM
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Wednesday 2/3
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Friday 2/5
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Saturday 2/6
♀︎ 05°♒︎ ☌ ♄ 05°♒︎ 2:06 AM
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Sunday 2/7
☽ → ♑︎ 3:51 PM