ah, ok

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22-29 december ◆ winter solstice

This is the beginning of the Winter season in the Northern Hemisphere. The newness of this time is highlighted by a high energy, expansive temperament. You may have gotten a hint about the fast-paced changes coming this week, but if not, expect the unexpected for the next two weeks. This moment in time can be volatile or at least surprising. These recent developments are not wholly bad—there is some silver lining once you make it through the other side, whenever that may look like. Embodiment is an important part of this process. Where can you physically master part of your life in an effort to heal or redeem something?
At its best, this week is most useful for seeking out new experiences and testing the bounds of your personal freedom. Now is a time to expand your horizons and explore, even if only in your mind, what essential actions need to be done to bring your desires in to reality. Do not rely on any of the optimism of this time to get through, instead use it as a bolster to start or finish something you have been diligently working on. If your endeavor has been mostly solo, consider how you can align your purpose with others’ to make it more than the sum of its parts. If you have been working in conjunction with someone else you may experience a set back or some other difficultly related to wanting to act alone or feeling the need for freedom. Meeting people half way is going to be difficult now, but give them the benefit of the doubt and try to focus on the positive attributes they bring to the table. 
Relationships in general may need to be readjusted, but be wary of any selfish or power grabbing intentions on your part. Even meeting social mores can be laborious for the moment. This could lead to a quarrel or worse just in the name of a little stimulation outside of your routine. Take care that your freedoms are not at the expense of any one else. With the rush of change it could feel like some things are more out of control than usual. These feelings can be compounded with impulsive energy to push you toward rash decisions about money and/or the cost of getting what you want. Do some investigating around motives to become clear about your intent. They could be driven by largely automatic habits or old patterns that may not serve your best interest. Self-understanding is imperative in accomplishing what you’re doing at this time.

Technical Details (EST):
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